To provide expertise and Information and Communication Technology services to the Corporation.
The Unit performs the following activities: -
1. Manage Corporation’s server and network of computers;
2. Register new users on computer network and interpret usage rate (defining access levels);
3. Provide training to new users of the internet in the Corporation;
4. Provide appropriate criteria during the procurement of computer equipment and systems;
5. Find causes of system failure and provide appropriate advice in case of occurrence;
6. Manage and maintain the website of the Corporation;
7. Verify the customer data in the main file server (master file verification); and
8. Develop and implement strategies to improve the level of use of computer systems in operations, processes and practice of the Corporation;
The Unit is led by a Head
General Manager, Kariakoo Markets Corporation, Nyamwezi/Tandamti Street,
Postal Address: P. O. Box 15789 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 22 2180678
Email: info@kariakoomarket.co.tz
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