Sophia J. Kiyeyeu - Head of Procurement Management Unit
To provide expertise and services in procurement, storage and supply of goods and services to the Corporation.
The Unit performs the following activities:
1. Develop and implement Annual Procurement Plan (APP) of the Corporation;
2. Coordinate all activities of the Corporation’s Tender Board;
3. Prepare and advertise documents for tender, handling bidders and implement all decisions of the Tender Board of the Corporation in accordance with the law;
4. Prepare monthly reports of the performance of suppliers and submit to the Tender Board;
5. Advise the Management on matters related to purchasing, supplies and store;
6. Supervise procurement and storage of Corporation equipment’s and office supplies;
7. Monitor adherence to public procurement legislations;
8. Oversee inventory analysis and stock verification;
9. Ensure preparation, reviews and adherence to procurement regulations;
10. Oversee stock verifications and control;
11. Ensure reconciliation of all store records with accounts for audit purposes;
12. Advise on the disposal of obsolete or condemned items/goods;
13. Oversee procurement and save as a custodian of the stock of the Corporation;
14. Be a secretary to the Tender Board;
15. Advise, assist and handle matters and issues related to PPRA;
16. Prepare and submit to Management meeting implementation reports of the annual procurement plan of the Corporation for each quarter during the year.
The Unit is led by a Head.
General Manager, Kariakoo Markets Corporation, Nyamwezi/Tandamti Street,
Postal Address: P. O. Box 15789 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Telephone: +255 22 2180678
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